
#VRML V2.0 utf8

WorldInfo {
   title "Floppy's VRML97 Tutorial Example 4.5b"
   info ["(C) Copyright 2000 Vapour Technology Ltd."

NavigationInfo {
   type ["NONE"]

Viewpoint {
   description "Default View"
   position 0 0.5 2

Transform {
   translation -0.25 -0.15 0
   children [
      DEF CUBESENSOR TouchSensor {
      Shape {
         appearance Appearance {
            material Material {
               diffuseColor 1 0 0
         geometry Box {
            size 0.1 0.1 0.17

Transform {
   translation 0 -0.15 0
   children [
      DEF SPHERESENSOR TouchSensor {
      Shape {
         appearance Appearance {
            material Material {
               diffuseColor 0 1 0
         geometry Sphere {
            radius 0.05

Transform {
   translation 0.25 -0.15 0
   children [
      DEF CONESENSOR TouchSensor {
      Shape {
         appearance Appearance {
            material Material {
               diffuseColor 0 0 1
         geometry Cone {
            bottomRadius 0.05
            height 0.1

DEF TOP Transform {
   translation 0 0.5 0
   children [
      Transform {
         rotation 1 0 0 1.57   
         children [
            Shape {
               appearance Appearance {
                  material Material {
                     diffuseColor 0.4 0.4 0.4
               geometry Box {
                  size 1 1e-8 1

   eventIn SFTime cube_touchTime
   eventIn SFTime sphere_touchTime
   eventIn SFTime cone_touchTime
   field SFNode parentNode USE TOP
   eventOut MFNode newChildren
   mustEvaluate TRUE
   url "javascript:
      function cube_touchTime(value,time) {
         newVRML =  'Group {';
         newVRML += '   children [';
         newVRML += '      DEF SENSOR PlaneSensor {';
         newVRML += '         maxPosition 0.45 0.45';
         newVRML += '         minPosition -0.45 -0.45';
         newVRML += '      }';
         newVRML += '      DEF OBJECT Transform {';
         newVRML += '         children [';
         newVRML += '            Shape {';
         newVRML += '               appearance Appearance {';
         newVRML += '                  material Material {';
         newVRML += '                     diffuseColor 1 0 0';
         newVRML += '                  }';
         newVRML += '               }';
         newVRML += '               geometry Box {';
         newVRML += '                  size 0.1 0.1 0.1';
         newVRML += '               }';
         newVRML += '            }';
         newVRML += '         ]';
         newVRML += '      }';
         newVRML += '   ]';        
         newVRML += '}';
         newVRML += 'ROUTE SENSOR.translation_changed TO OBJECT.set_translation';
         newChildren = Browser.createVrmlFromString(newVRML);
      function sphere_touchTime(value,time) {
         newVRML =  'Group {';
         newVRML += '   children [';
         newVRML += '      DEF SENSOR PlaneSensor {';
         newVRML += '         maxPosition 0.45 0.45';
         newVRML += '         minPosition -0.45 -0.45';
         newVRML += '      }';
         newVRML += '      DEF OBJECT Transform {';
         newVRML += '         children [';
         newVRML += '            Shape {';
         newVRML += '               appearance Appearance {';
         newVRML += '                  material Material {';
         newVRML += '                     diffuseColor 0 1 0';
         newVRML += '                  }';
         newVRML += '               }';
         newVRML += '               geometry Sphere {';
         newVRML += '                  radius 0.05';
         newVRML += '               }';
         newVRML += '            }';
         newVRML += '         ]';
         newVRML += '      }';
         newVRML += '   ]';        
         newVRML += '}';
         newVRML += 'ROUTE SENSOR.translation_changed TO OBJECT.set_translation';
         newChildren = Browser.createVrmlFromString(newVRML);
      function cone_touchTime(value,time) {
         urlString = new MFString('cone.wrl');
         Browser.createVrmlFromURL(urlString, parentNode, 'addChildren');

ROUTE CUBESENSOR.touchTime TO CREATOR.cube_touchTime
ROUTE SPHERESENSOR.touchTime TO CREATOR.sphere_touchTime
ROUTE CONESENSOR.touchTime TO CREATOR.cone_touchTime

ROUTE CREATOR.newChildren TO TOP.addChildren
Generated by GNU enscript 1.6.1.